Salt Lake City, UT asian restaurants & food

Charlie Chow's Dragon Grill

Asian Restaurant

255 E 400 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84111
(801) 328-3663


Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.0 / 5 based on 53 votes


  • Charlie Chow's Dragon Grill photo by Dave Watson
  • Charlie Chow's Dragon Grill photo by R D
  • Charlie Chow's Dragon Grill photo by Jen Watson
  • Charlie Chow's Dragon Grill photo by Dave Watson
  • Charlie Chow's Dragon Grill photo by Donovan Decker
The Dragon Grill is amazing. Get it. Create your own. And devour. So... Best hot and sour soup I've found. The grill is pretty great too!

Reviews: 1

  • Kerianne W.