Salt Lake City, UT asian restaurants & food

Plum Alley

Asian Restaurant

111 E 300 S Ste 190, Salt Lake City, UT 84111
(801) 355-0543
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.0 / 5 based on 56 votes


  • Plum Alley photo by Khris
  • Plum Alley photo by John F.
  • Plum Alley photo by Guns
  • Plum Alley photo by Rebecca M.
  • Plum Alley photo by Alan D.
Menu includes green papaya salad, homemade noodles, pork buns & curries.... ... steamy pork - Steamed Pork belly buns ($6): Each bun consists of a hunk of almost... ... variations, the pork ramen is the most popular ramen at Salt Lake...

Reviews: 1

  • Now Salt Lake