Reston, VA asian restaurants & food

Pho Reston 75

Vietnamese Restaurant

Tall Oaks Ctr 12020 N Shore Dr, Reston, VA 20190
(703) 481-5935
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 3.4 / 5 based on 70 votes


  • Pho Reston 75 photo by Steve Schilling
  • Pho Reston 75 photo by とほる
  • Pho Reston 75 photo by Malia Ott
  • Pho Reston 75 photo by Min Woong-ki
  • Pho Reston 75 photo by Monique Chimento
... Vietnamese food in humble settings. The grilled lemongrass chicken on... ... Phở Tái Chín (Pho With Rare Beef & Well-Done Brisket) Best vietnamese food in Nova, and trust me, I've hit them all....

Reviews: 1

  • Allie M.