Puyallup, WA asian restaurants & food

Pho the Best

Vietnamese Restaurant, Thai Restaurant

4301 S Meridian F3, Puyallup, WA 98374
(253) 435-0316
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 2.1 / 5 based on 17 votes


  • Pho the Best photo by Spencer Sorrell
  • Pho the Best photo by FrecklesUSA
  • Pho the Best photo by Amanda Creager
  • Pho the Best photo by Presh S.
  • Pho the Best photo by Andy C.
... Ga aka Chicken. Use 1. House Sauce, 2. Hoisen Sauce, and 3. Some Hot Sauce.... Large bowl lots of noodle, a little bit of meat and...

Reviews: 1

  • Spencer Sorrell