Phoenix, AZ asian restaurants & food

Samurai Sam's Teriyaki Grill

Asian Restaurant, Sandwich Place

4801 E Washington, Phoenix, AZ 85034
(602) 286-9311
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 3.5 / 5 based on 3 votes


  • Samurai Sam's Teriyaki Grill photo by Freddy Q.
  • Samurai Sam's Teriyaki Grill photo by Freddy Q.
  • Samurai Sam's Teriyaki Grill photo by Ric Gonzalez
  • Samurai Sam's Teriyaki Grill photo by Tasia
  • Samurai Sam's Teriyaki Grill photo by Matt A.
Definitely better than Subway, and Cindy is super friendly! Only oil and vinegar. Ick. Veggie bowl was meh...only vegetarian thing on the...

Reviews: 1

  • Lizzie Encinas