Denver, CO asian restaurants & food

Pho 555

Vietnamese Restaurant

1098 S Federal Blvd, Denver, CO 80219
(303) 936-1000
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.0 / 5 based on 54 votes


  • Pho 555 photo by Richard Greenley
  • Pho 555 photo by Marco Aguayo
  • Pho 555 photo by Nuriko Phillips II
  • Pho 555 photo by Bryant S.
  • Pho 555 photo by Angela M.
Medium 14, extra noodle ... and food! try the meatball Pho go all in add the hot sauce and enjoy! Medium #9, order of Vietnamese egg rolls, and the almond boba. Can't go wrong!

Reviews: 1

  • Dj W.