Denver, CO asian restaurants & food

Vietnam Grill

Vietnamese Restaurant

1015 S Federal Blvd, Denver, CO 80219
(303) 936-5610
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.5 / 5 based on 23 votes


  • Vietnam Grill photo by Thuy D.
  • Vietnam Grill photo by Robert S.
  • Vietnam Grill photo by Teri S.
  • Vietnam Grill photo by ChristoboL G.
  • Vietnam Grill photo by Xian Feng C.
... the papaya salad with beef jerky and soy sauce! I can eat that everyday! The crispy chow fun is fundamentally righteous. You have to try the papaya salad with beef jerky and soy sauce! I can eat...

Reviews: 1

  • Denver Westword