Daytona Beach, FL asian restaurants & food

Pho Saigon

Vietnamese Restaurant

312 S Peninsula Dr, Daytona Beach, FL 32118
(386) 257-4650
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 3.8 / 5 based on 16 votes


  • Pho Saigon photo by Lisa Duncan
  • Pho Saigon photo by Lisa Duncan
  • Pho Saigon photo by Kristin Polizzi
  • Pho Saigon photo by John Arroyo
  • Pho Saigon photo by Phillip Munafo
Great pho! Try the crispy shrimp rolls The best rice paper rolls. So fresh. The pho was unbelievable to. We... ... pho! Try the crispy shrimp rolls

Reviews: 1

  • George Miziuk