Chincoteague Island, VA asian restaurants & food

Saigon Village

Vietnamese Restaurant

4069 Main St, Chincoteague Island, VA 23336
(757) 336-7299
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 3.8 / 5 based on 22 votes


  • Saigon Village photo by Eric Jaw
  • Saigon Village photo by Eric Jaw
  • Saigon Village photo by Eric Jaw
  • Saigon Village photo by Eric Jaw
  • Saigon Village photo by John W.
We've been having their pork fried rice and Saigon BBQ with vermicelli for a long... ... soup is amazing. Their spicy Thai fisherman with beef is another hit. Their... Ice coffee, crispy spring rolls with pork, and bbq pork with rice. Love...

Reviews: 1

  • Tom Larson