Centreville, VA asian restaurants & food

Pho Aura

Vietnamese Restaurant

5037 Westfields Blvd, Centreville, VA 20120
(703) 378-0049


Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.0 / 5 based on 95 votes


  • Pho Aura photo by Kaitlyn S.
  • Pho Aura photo by Christian Smith
  • Pho Aura photo by Kaitlyn S.
  • Pho Aura photo by Sam Lee
  • Pho Aura photo by Chris Klardie
... Practically threw a bowl of soup and walked away. The pho tai broth is exquisite! I recommend highly! The hue-style shrimp rolls and the calamari are to die for.

Reviews: 1

  • Mark W.