Arlington, VA asian restaurants & food

Bangkok 54

Thai Restaurant, Grocery Store

2919 Columbia Pike, Arlington, VA 22204
(703) 521-4070


Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.0 / 5 based on 328 votes


  • Bangkok 54 photo by Andy Fouss
  • Bangkok 54 photo by Oleg Iavorskyi
  • Bangkok 54 photo by Marcopolos
  • Bangkok 54 photo by Virath Phongsavan
  • Bangkok 54 photo by Michael Proffitt
... Crispy Pork Chili - Basil made with fried pork belly tossed with bell... The spicy mock duck used to be called the fried vegetarian tofu... Spicy Roasted Tofu is unlike tofu anywhere else. Delicious!

Reviews: 1

  • Washingtonian Magazine