Salt Lake City, UT asian restaurants & food

Gossip Tapioca

Vietnamese Restaurant

1629 W 3500 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84119
(801) 886-2868
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.0 / 5 based on 31 votes


  • Gossip Tapioca photo by Velma
  • Gossip Tapioca photo by Bang Ridu
  • Gossip Tapioca photo by Juliet J.
  • Gossip Tapioca photo by Jam Charish B.
  • Gossip Tapioca photo by Ashley L.
So many flavors of bubble drinks! I've tried avocado coconut and my daughter... Veggie pho no tofu. People seem to like the vermicelli bowls, but they have the best noodle soup in...

Reviews: 1

  • Tauni E.