Phoenix, AZ asian restaurants & food

Roy's Restaurant

Sushi Restaurant

5350 E Marriott Dr, Phoenix, AZ 85054
(480) 419-7697

Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.0 / 5 based on 98 votes


  • Roy's Restaurant photo by Sreejith Nath
  • Roy's Restaurant photo by Donelle Brathwaite
  • Roy's Restaurant photo by Yext Yext
  • Roy's Restaurant photo by Pam Gilford
  • Roy's Restaurant photo by Axay "Ax" Parekh
... It is a portion of Atlantic Salmon, Butterfish, and Mahi Mahi. The butterfish is simply amazing. Great food all-around... Smoked mahi taco appetizers are very, very good. Had...

Reviews: 1

  • Dan Obz