Phoenix, AZ asian restaurants & food

Krua Thai Cuisine

Thai Restaurant

1601 E Bell Rd Ste A8, Phoenix, AZ 85022
(602) 971-4988
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.0 / 5 based on 49 votes


  • Krua Thai Cuisine photo by Ricky Potts
  • Krua Thai Cuisine photo by Ashitha Rahman
  • Krua Thai Cuisine photo by Pavankumar Diwakarla
  • Krua Thai Cuisine photo by Frank Labor
  • Krua Thai Cuisine photo by Karin Hicks
Best Thai food in the valley! Everything is delicious... I like Red Curry here. Its perfectly prepared with right... Best yellow curry I've had.

Reviews: 1

  • Miss Bee ♡