Oklahoma City, OK asian restaurants & food

Gopuram Taste of India

Indian Restaurant

4559 NW 23rd St, Oklahoma City, OK 73127
(405) 230-1323
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 3.5 / 5 based on 5 votes


  • Gopuram Taste of India photo by Lee
  • Gopuram Taste of India photo by Sharifah Alyani
  • Gopuram Taste of India photo by Jonathan John
  • Gopuram Taste of India photo by Saleh Alowais
  • Gopuram Taste of India photo by Sarah Smith
... for. Wonderful decor, buffet open "all day, every day". Delicious! ... the best place for Indian food. They keep all the items fresh and hot. ... to make some fresh naan without any Ghee. Really yummy and...

Reviews: 1

  • TravelOK