New York, NY asian restaurants & food


Tea Room, Indian Restaurant

41-43 E 22nd St, New York, NY 10010
(212) 674-7400
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.0 / 5 based on 383 votes

Dinner Menu

Aagaz Appetizers

Shorba Soups

Baigh - E - Subz Salads

Khazana - E - Aatish Treasures From the Tandoor

Samundri Moti Seafood

Murg Chicken and Duck

Gosht Lamb and Goat

Tamarind Special Dinners

Subzi Ke Baag Se Vegetarian Specialties

Basmati Degh Rice

Roti Breads


Mithai - Dessert

Disclaimer: Always check with the restaurant for availability and pricing of menu items. We are not liable for pricing or menu changes, but the information is intended to be accurate at the time posted. Listing of a menu does not mean that there is any affiliation, sponsorship or endorsement between and the Tamarind restaurant.