Mesa, AZ asian restaurants & food

Nagasaki Grill Toh Zan

Japanese Restaurant

2120 W Southern Ave, Mesa, AZ 85202
(480) 668-6688
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.0 / 5 based on 66 votes


  • Nagasaki Grill Toh Zan photo by Solomon
  • Nagasaki Grill Toh Zan photo by N L.
  • Nagasaki Grill Toh Zan photo by N L.
  • Nagasaki Grill Toh Zan photo by N L.
  • Nagasaki Grill Toh Zan photo by N L.
... since then. Yum! Love the curry! Their tonkotsu ramen is even better than most of the ramen I've...

Reviews: 1

  • Michael H.