McDonough, GA asian restaurants & food

Red Orchid Thai Cuisine

Thai Restaurant

386 Hwy 155 S, McDonough, GA 30253
(770) 957-9382
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.0 / 5 based on 4 votes


  • Red Orchid Thai Cuisine photo by LaTonya P.
  • Red Orchid Thai Cuisine photo by LaTonya P.
  • Red Orchid Thai Cuisine photo by LaTonya P.
  • Red Orchid Thai Cuisine photo by LaTonya P.
  • Red Orchid Thai Cuisine photo by Scary S.
... was deeee-lish! The angel wings were very good. Still trying to figure out... Drunken noodle very good Angel Wings and the Ginger Catfish are awesome!! So crispy and tasty!

Reviews: 1

  • Roy I.