Lenexa, KS asian restaurants & food

Sweet Siam Thai Bistro

Thai Restaurant

7809 Quivira Rd, Lenexa, KS 66214
(913) 322-7285
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.0 / 5 based on 29 votes


  • Sweet Siam Thai Bistro photo by Sonia Sarazua Buckner
  • Sweet Siam Thai Bistro photo by Sonia Sarazua Buckner
  • Sweet Siam Thai Bistro photo by Scott S.
  • Sweet Siam Thai Bistro photo by Scott S.
  • Sweet Siam Thai Bistro photo by Rae Lynne B.
... skip dessert, but the Coconut Cake was awesome. Crab Angels & Chicken Noodle Bowl Spicy Noodle Thai Hot with Tofu! Delicious! Crab Angel...

Reviews: 1

  • Tyece M.