Kyle, TX asian restaurants & food

Pho Thaison

Vietnamese Restaurant

5401 S FM 1626 Ste 370, Kyle, TX 78640
(512) 268-3205

Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 3.5 / 5 based on 39 votes


  • Pho Thaison photo by Stephen Musgrave
  • Pho Thaison photo by Christian Aleman
  • Pho Thaison photo by Jimmy Ho
  • Pho Thaison photo by Janie Adrian
  • Pho Thaison photo by Janie Adrian
... #54, it's a'ight. The basic pho is better. Was amused by the purse hooks under the tables. Tried the pad thai, it was good, but... Was amused by the purse hooks under the tables. Tried the pad thai, it...

Reviews: 1

  • Grayson P.