Issaquah, WA asian restaurants & food

Pho Issaquah

Vietnamese Restaurant, Noodle House

1025 NW Gillman Blvd, Issaquah, WA 98027
(425) 392-2100
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 3.1 / 5 based on 20 votes


  • Pho Issaquah photo by Inna Blair
  • Pho Issaquah photo by Jodi
  • Pho Issaquah photo by Don (The Tint Dr.) R.
  • Pho Issaquah photo by Renee C.
  • Pho Issaquah photo by Rachel R.
Carrot beef stew with bread... Doesn't get better than this! Chicken and steak combo great taste. Steak Pho is awesome... ... and they put their salad dressing as a sauce

Reviews: 1

  • Tony V.