Hoboken, NJ asian restaurants & food

Bangkok City Thai Restaurant

Thai Restaurant

335 Washington St, Hoboken, NJ 07030
(201) 792-6613

Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 3.5 / 5 based on 39 votes


  • Bangkok City Thai Restaurant photo by Ana Diggs
  • Bangkok City Thai Restaurant photo by Jesika Mancini
  • Bangkok City Thai Restaurant photo by JunRaymond Sawal
  • Bangkok City Thai Restaurant photo by Albina Zaripova
  • Bangkok City Thai Restaurant photo by Shirl Y
... noodles and panang curry .. absolutely awesome... The masaman curry is delicious ... sinuses real fast. Staff is really nice and attentive to boot. (3 of 4 petals via...

Reviews: 1

  • Sreekanth B.