Hilo, HI asian restaurants & food

Hilo Rice Noodle Soup Restaurant

Vietnamese Restaurant

1990 Kinoole St, Hilo, HI 96720
(808) 981-5841

Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.0 / 5 based on 16 votes


  • Hilo Rice Noodle Soup Restaurant photo by Nathan Yap
  • Hilo Rice Noodle Soup Restaurant photo by Mark Nakashima
  • Hilo Rice Noodle Soup Restaurant photo by Les Domingo
  • Hilo Rice Noodle Soup Restaurant photo by Damián Robledo
  • Hilo Rice Noodle Soup Restaurant photo by Damián Robledo
#34 chicken bun with fried spring roll! Best bun ever Literally a hole in the wall -- once you find it, you'll like it. Sit... ask for the punch card

Reviews: 1

  • Charles