Henderson, NV asian restaurants & food

Sushi Imagine

Sushi Restaurant

75 S Valle Verde Ste 210, Henderson, NV 89012
(702) 272-2228

Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.5 / 5 based on 50 votes


  • Sushi Imagine photo by はまーにゃ Chicagobulls
  • Sushi Imagine photo by Cathi R.
  • Sushi Imagine photo by Marjie W.
  • Sushi Imagine photo by Myra T.
  • Sushi Imagine photo by Dan T.
Daily lunch specials for $5 and rolls are great! The Royal Spicy Tuna roll is a must try. Spend $30 and they will let... ... meal you get a free spin for $1, $2, $5, $10, or $20 off your next...

Reviews: 1

  • Dana D.