Fort Lee, NJ asian restaurants & food

Poong Lim BBQ

Korean Restaurant

2053 Lemoine Ave, Fort Lee, NJ 07024
(201) 944-8699
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 3.5 / 5 based on 17 votes


  • Poong Lim BBQ photo by Walden Siew
  • Poong Lim BBQ photo by Walden Siew
  • Poong Lim BBQ photo by Richard Bautista
  • Poong Lim BBQ photo by ✨MI Shin
  • Poong Lim BBQ photo by Racky Salzman
... Recommend saeng galbi (생갈비) and saeng deung shim (생등심) for BBQ. ... This is real, good Korean food. Go if ever in the area or can get out of... ... food but they give you lots of side dishes.

Reviews: 1

  • Edlin C.