Dorchester, MA asian restaurants & food

Pho Hoa Restaurant

Vietnamese Restaurant

1370 Dorchester Ave (Kimball St & Ellet St), Dorchester, MA 02122
(617) 287-9746
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 3.5 / 5 based on 108 votes


  • Pho Hoa Restaurant photo by Kärl Schilv
  • Pho Hoa Restaurant photo by Kärl Schilv
  • Pho Hoa Restaurant photo by Kapado Fernand
  • Pho Hoa Restaurant photo by Terence Chan
  • Pho Hoa Restaurant photo by Kärl Schilv
#61 noodle soup with lemongrass and shrimp balls. #61 ... no idea what it was. Pho Le (right next door) was way better! ... with lemongrass and shrimp balls. #61

Reviews: 1

  • Boston Phoenix