Broomfield, CO asian restaurants & food

Pho 78 Restaurant

Vietnamese Restaurant

7275 W 88th Ave Unit D, Broomfield, CO 80021
(303) 940-7644
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.0 / 5 based on 34 votes


  • Pho 78 Restaurant photo by Gil Asakawa
  • Pho 78 Restaurant photo by Gil Asakawa
  • Pho 78 Restaurant photo by Jaci Vezina
  • Pho 78 Restaurant photo by Jaci Vezina
  • Pho 78 Restaurant photo by Gil Asakawa
2C is the best. Yum Try the Pho Tái ( Rare Steak and Rice Noodle Soup) Try the Pho Tái ( Rare Steak and Rice Noodle Soup)

Reviews: 1

  • Coleen D.