Boston, MA asian restaurants & food

Café de Lulu

Asian Restaurant, Chinese Restaurant

42 Beach St (Harrison Ave & Tyler St), Boston, MA 02111
(617) 391-0888
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.0 / 5 based on 87 votes


  • Café de Lulu photo by John Lee
  • Café de Lulu photo by John Lee
  • Café de Lulu photo by John Lee
  • Café de Lulu photo by Sousou B
  • Café de Lulu photo by Gloria C.
... Nan King Chicken and Orange beef, they're delicious. Salt and pepper pork, portuguese chicken, sweet/sour soup, all... Salt and pepper pork, portuguese chicken, sweet/sour soup, all amazing!

Reviews: 1

  • Wang N.