Bellevue, WA asian restaurants & food

What the Pho!

Vietnamese Restaurant, Noodle House

10680 NE 8th St, Bellevue, WA 98004
(425) 462-5600

Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 3.0 / 5 based on 210 votes


  • What the Pho! photo by Norris Tran
  • What the Pho! photo by Steve Navarre
  • What the Pho! photo by Mr Richards157
  • What the Pho! photo by Guri Chattha
  • What the Pho! photo by Alex
... delicious, strawberry bubble tea was too sweet for my liking. Avoid the lunch rush. Chicken pho and pork dumplings are delicious,...

Reviews: 1

  • Misty C.