Arlington, VA asian restaurants & food

Sushi-Zen Japanese Restaurant

Sushi Restaurant

2457 N Harrison St, Arlington, VA 22207
(703) 534-6000
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 3.0 / 5 based on 43 votes


  • Sushi-Zen Japanese Restaurant photo by yy 9dorf
  • Sushi-Zen Japanese Restaurant photo by Robin Wulff
  • Sushi-Zen Japanese Restaurant photo by Vanessa Colina
  • Sushi-Zen Japanese Restaurant photo by jenrandall
  • Sushi-Zen Japanese Restaurant photo by Rachel C.
They have toro! (fatty tuna) Both the miso soup and salad dressing were overly salted. But... They have toro! (fatty tuna)

Reviews: 1

  • Robin Wulff